sex drive

This is something that continues to boggle my mind.
I am actually curious about your feedback.

I think that we have a deeply ingrained stereotype that men have a higher sex drive than women. However, I’d like to theorize that women actually have a higher sex drive.

My theory is that men think they have a high sex drive, and maybe in the beginning of the relationship, they just can’t contain themselves as well as a woman can, so it seems like they want it more. But when it comes down to it, men often really get exhausted by ejaculating, whereas women often get energy from having sex.

(My okcupid screen shot proves my theory, of course).

I feel like in my completely non-scientific survey of my friends, men are way less likely to want to have sex daily, whereas women are more often up for it.

Thoughts? Do you have any completely non-scientific data to the contrary?

About Sexually Oriented

I have a lot of thoughts about healthy sex and sexuality. My brain is sexually oriented. When my mind wanders, it goes there first.


  1. My husband will take it as much as I’ll give it to him. If we didn’t have kids and such busy lives, it probably would be daily if it were up to him.

  2. I don’t have much basis for comparing men and women on this issue. I do think the stereotype is bad, however, since it puts pressure on men and women to be a certain way regardless of whether they are. (For an explanation of how this hurts men, since #3 of Greta Christina’s article here:

    Also, if you’re interested in the issue of sex drive, why not look for actual scientific data? Pubmed and Google Scholar are your friends.

    • Thanks for reading and thanks for the link! i definitely appreciate the perspective that these stereotypes are often as damaging for men as they are for women. i’m not for putting pressure on men to constantly perform.

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